Tuesday, October 27, 2015

End mommy wars

It's really sad to see news on such tragedy - New mother falls to her death

The mother's mental health and overall well-being over breastfeeding please. Breastfeeding is very challenging to many, and it is okay to give baby formula milk if a mother can't give her baby enough breast milk. Don't be stressed over breastfeeding full time, especially in the beginning. I only established my milk supply after baby's full month... we supplemented with formula milk too. I feel that a good mother makes sure the baby's well fed and well taken care of. It doesn't matter if the baby's fed milk from mummy or some cows. I grew up on formula and I think my mum's the greatest mum ever. Not breastfeeding doesn't make anyone lesser of a good mother. Never stress anyone to give full breast milk... a new mum has a lot more to deal with than giving breast milk. It's too much to handle and too stressful for new mums. Post-natal depression is a real problem many new mums struggle with each day. Lend a listening ear and don't be a critic.

Saw this video being shared on Facebook and I feel it's very appropriate for all mommies. We may all grow up with different sets of values and different ideas of what the perfect mom should be like, but in the end we are all the same. We are mothers.

Watch this, and stop judging.

Click image for link to the webpage I got this YouTube clip from.

Quoting the webpage:
Wintsch's own research suggests mothers around the world feel burdened by unreasonable expectations. When she and her team interviewed 5,000 women in 17 countries, they were surprised at the emotion all of them had in common. It wasn't joy or love, though many reported feeling those. The universal experience was self-doubt.
Wintsch's theory is that the mommy wars won't end until mothers develop more confidence in their decision-making. 
"We're so mean to ourselves. We're so critical and question our every move," Wintsch says. "We are at war with ourselves, and we turn that war on other mothers."
All images are taken from the webpage that they are linked to.

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