Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Thankful that my eczema is gone!

After my friend recommended G3 to me, I looked it up... that's why I put some of the information I gathered over the research together in the previous entry.

Then I bought some for my girls to try. And I took it with them. I'm glad it helps them fall sick lesser, and helps me clear up my eczema! Hip hip hurray!!

Thankful to have many friends believe in me and so glad to hear 100% positive feedback so far on the use of G3.

On it's own, it's great at boosting immunity, good for the eyes and for overall well-being.

And for friends with eczema, combining it with Enhancer skin conditioning gel really helps soothe the skin. Love this combination. If you are suffering from eczema, I strongly encourage you to try this combination and see the difference!