Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I have been bathing everyday since the day after I arrived at my folks' place for confinement. I did not bathe at all while in TMC, after my delivery... too tired and sore to be bathing.

I don't know how others were able to go through one month of confinement without bathing. I'm perspiring like crazy everyday, day and night. Since I'm already damp in my perspiration anyway, why can't I cleanse myself right? I literally perspire a waterfall down my face, front and my back especially after my hot meals for lunch and dinner. In fact with my sensitive skin condition, I'm already scratching myself madly, leaving scratch marks all over my chest, my tummy and my back. =(

My mum boils "daifonai" herbal bath water for me every morning to bathe myself in. On alternate days I will request for more herbal water, and use shampoo and body foam, and rinse with the herbal water. I can't imagine if I didn't use shampoo or body foam... My scalp and body would be itching like mad! Thank goodness I'm allowed to bathe... phew~

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