Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Breastfeeding nazis

A friend shared this.

I wonder who are the "breastfeeding nazis" she's referring to. I believe all mummies only have the best interest for other mummies when they give advice. Please do not take it personally and definitely not negatively!!

She probably feels that breastfeeding mummies don't understand non-breastfeeding mummies at all, but vice versa, they also don't understand that many many breastfeeding mummies went thru a lot of stress, effort, endurance and hardship to get milk. And all these are on top of the usual post-partum stress and other depressing things that every mother may face during confinement or as a new mother... So when they managed to conquer the difficult period, they just want to share from their own experiences... "try harder will have milk..." I'll say the same too because I tried very very hard to have milk... but of course I will only say this to mummies who want to breastfeed, as a form of encouragement, and not to those who doesn't breastfeed.

I triumphed in breastfeeding simply because I have pro-breastfeeding friends who never stop giving me well-meaning advice and they are ever so encouraging, thus I also want to be as encouraging to the breastfeeding new mummies I know, and help them with as much advice from our experiences as possible. Mothers all only want to help one another cope through the difficult post-partum period, whether breastfeeding or not. But let's do it nicely... no one should be calling another mother weak! Every woman, every pregnancy, every baby, every breast, every mother's circumstance is different and who are we to call another mother weak when we did not go through what she had to go through?
We all have our difficult times as mothers, so please, do not do or say things to upset another mother who's going through difficult times too. I also went through times I cried every time I latched my first born during confinement. I cuddled her to my chest as she wailed in the middle of the night, I cried and apologize to my baby, "sorry baby, mummy has no milk for you... mummy is a lousy mummy..." I cried so much my mother's worried that I would go blind. You won't know how much it hurts unless you've been through it.

Please don't judge. No one has the right to condemn you, whether you are breastfeeding mother or not. There are no nazis in motherhood, only mothers!! I don't know why people want to segregate breastfeeding mummies from non-breastfeeding mummies. What about babywearing mummies from non-babywearing mummies? What about mummies that follow traditional confinement customs and mummies who don't?  What about mummies with confinement ladies and mummies without? "Oh you brought it upon yourself crying in the middle of the night while trying to latch during your confinement because you didn't get a confinement lady to take care of your baby for you. Serves you right that you didn't get to rest like us mummies with confinement ladies."

You get my point? We are all mummies, stop dissing at one another!


How can we call the mother weak? She's such a poor thing and now she would never get to witness her daughter's milestones and achievements, and her poor daughter will have to grow up without a mother, and her poor husband have to live with the grief of losing the wife and bringing up the girl alone. And it could all be prevented if people gave a hand and not simply brush her condition off or call her weak. =(

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