It's 13 February and I haven't been updating my blog as work and my girl have both been keeping me busy most of the time. And at times when I'm free, I ended up sharing on more interactive platform like my "June 2015 mummies" Facebook group. I realized that I've shared a lot more in the group and I guess I can just take some screen captures off the group and upload them here for keepsake in many years to come when I want to look back at my pregnancy journey. The social media I update the most frequently though, is still my Instagram. Feel free to follow me on my Instagram account. =)
3 February 2015

4 February 2015

6 February 2015

7 February 2015

8 February 2015

9 February 2015

10 February 2015

11 February 2015

12 February 2015

13 February 2015

14 February 2015

15 February 2015
CNY Reunion dinner at my parents' place~ Loving the vegetarian steamboat spread!

17 February 2015
Eve of CNY eve~ Hubby's colleagues came to our place for a steamboat gathering.
18 February 2015
It's CNY eve~
Lunch with my colleagues at Seletar Mall and dinner was a simple steamboat affair at home with leftover steamboat stuff ^^
19 February 2015
CNY day 1~
Our mummy-and-daughter outfits of the day!
Day 1 ang pow collection! ♥
20 February 2015
CNY day 2~
At my parents' place ^^
Love the vegetarian CNY snacks at my parents' place!!
27 February 2015
What do I do everyday at work?
I climb 3 levels to the staffroom in the morning, and I feel weak in my legs and get very breathless. I have to climb up n down 3 to 4 levels everyday at work and these days, even one level is making my legs weak and breathless... when I reached the staffroom, I'll sit for a while to recover. It's worse when I'm going to class. These days I take so long to get to class and still need to rest upon reaching.
Every lesson, I carry a big bag, full of notes, worksheets, books, laptop, a 1-litre water bottle, a box of marker pens and stationeries... it's heavy, it's bulky, and that's how teachers roll.
Whenever I see my students slouching or putting their heads down and can't sit up straight because "cher, very tired", I really feel like screaming... "Hello, which one of you here are more tired than me?! And I still have to stand here and scream at you!!"
This pregnancy is definitely much more difficult than the last, although I'm on 4/5 workload now. I guess age is catching up, as I get tired and achy much more easily. I need to sleep early, and I used to mark until 2am in my last pregnancy. How time flies, how things change... how age is catching up so fast. Sigh~