Talking about mascots... this is really a bad period to be pregnant. When I was pregnant with my first child, I found out that I was pregnant on 21 January and delivered on 23 August. Now, I have been through the terrifying season of Halloween, when scary pics that I so wish I didn't get to see kept popping up on the various social media platforms, whether in friends' posts or advertisements. And then I'll be going on vacation in December... now all my plans to go for cheap massages, caffeine-overload myself at cafes, plus simply drink and be merry has to be put aside, and I'll have to be merry in a more subdued manner. Although... I found out I was 8 weeks pregnant in late January the last time, and I have been merrily drinking and clubbing away in December the year before. Oh well, I guess ignorance is always bliss.
Anyway despite all the above ranting, something cheered me up today! Hubby finally returned from his work trip and he bought this for me on his way back~ :D
I had a terrifying nightmare and I'm so traumatized I've cried at least 5 times from thinking about the dream. In the dream, we were in an illegal establishment and there was a police raid. The hooligans assumed we were the culprits that called the police, and revenged on us. They tried to hurt us, and I kept having to protect my tummy from getting hit by the pipes as I'm pregnant too in the dream. Then they made us get into a car accident, where hubby was stuck in the car while I escaped and I ran as I had something very important to do... they kidnapped my girl and I have to find her! Towards the end of the dream I was hysterically screaming and wailing away. I couldn't find my girl even as the dream ended, and I woke up crying inconsolably for a while as hubby comforted me (I haven't told him about the dream, I don't feel like talking about it at all). And when I recalled the dream, I cried. I hope I'll never get into such a situation in real life. Even in a dream, it messed up my emotions and mental state. It's the most horrifying experience ever. I hope no parent will ever have to go through such an ordeal.
Alright, so on the brighter side: today I ate a lot but I didn't vomit at all, so I guess my morning sickness and nausea is finally going away... yay!
Lunch was at Sin Heng Kee Porridge with my colleagues. I'm glad that someone suggested porridge... I can't stomach anything heavier than this. I had peanut congee~
And dinner was porridge again! Mum-in-law cooked sweet potato porridge for me, and topped it off with preserved beancurd.
Actually I'm curious... I found out that preserved beancurd is actually soaked in alcoholic liquid as wine is one of the ingredients and I swear these cubes tasted alcoholic... so I shouldn't be eating too much right?
5 November 2014
Yesterday I went out for brekkie alone before school, and went to Pastamania for lunch after school with a colleague. I was very tired and went straight home after lunch, but instead of napping, I spent the first hour choreographing a simple dance with the song Brave by Sara Bareilles and practicing the moves so I can remember and teach my colleagues. Teachers these days do so much more than teaching and admin stuff! You won't believe the things we have to do to entertain our students, and this time it's for grad night. Napped a little after practising and dinner was curry noodles.
Yesterday's breakfast at the foodcourt.
And today's breakfast during maths pre-planning meeting.
Just wanna say: I really enjoy the June 2015 mummies' group in Facebook a lot. The mummies are active and not overwhelming and that keeps me very engaged!
Went to TMC today for my acupuncture session. Applied for SBI card and had a late lunch of egg-mayo baked potato and hot chocolate at Delifrance before my session. Told Dr Chen that I'm having difficulty sleeping, and she gave me extra "pokes" on the top of my head to help me ease into sleep. I had needles from my ankles up my thighs, on my wrists, top of head, forehead and in my ears. Like previous sessions, I was literally immobilized as I couldn't move my needle-studded limbs and my head as well with needles sticking out of both ears.
On my way to meet my besties for dinner, looking forward to announcing my good news to them! :D
6 November 2014
I can't believe I'm so absent minded!! I was running late this morning because I couldn't find my keys in anywhere that I could think of! Weren't at the keyhole too and I was so panicky but gotta rush out so woke hubby up (he's on study leave revising for exam) to help me lock the door. He told me to take his keys as he wouldn't be going anywhere, and he'll ask father-in-law when he's back from breakfast if he saw my keys at the door in the morning. I was on the verge of bursting into tears as I've never been so absent minded before. But I needed to hurry for work and I left. I locked the door with hubby's keys and headed to the lift, then I heard the door unlock, turned back and say hubby's hand sticking out with my keys. I was like, where did you find them?! And he said he found them on the sofa. OMG why didn't I even think of that?! Yesterday after dinner with besties, I was home quite late - near eleven - and the first thing I did after reaching home was to collapse on the sofa and surf the June 2015 mummies' group on my phone, before heading for a shower...
Seriously, my brain power's all drained by the littler one.
My close colleague asked me "How many months already?" and I acted blur. She said I'm getting bigger, and I said I'm just getting fatter. She's like, "Nonsense! Tell me how many months already?" And I gave in and told her it's not supposed to show yet! Only 2+ months... I'm really getting fatter!!
In fact my tummy is so bloated these days... even my hubby commented, and said obviously not baby. Baby's like only 2 to 3 cm now?? Haha!
10 November 2014
I've been feeling extremely fatigue over the weekend and napped most part of it away. I have a lot that I wanted to share here, all writing itself inside my head over and over during the weekend but I never really get down to typing here... and eventually I can't recall what I wanted to share. So, nevermind. I shall share when I remember. For now... I'm 11 weeks today!! Oscar test's next week~
Oh I remember one thing... I told my boss about my pregnancy last Friday! My boss is so ecstatic it almost wasn't real. Her excitement is way over my hubby's and our family members' combined. LOL~ But that's how cute it is. I'm sure the meltdowns also spurred her to do that... now that I'm FINALLY pregnant, no more meltdowns at work from the stress of not getting pregnant anymore huh? Kekeke~ I must really learn to control my emotions though. (-.-)
14 November 2014
I was unwell for the past two days and stayed at home yesterday after seeing doc on Wednesday night and he said I must rest more. My nose was dripping nonstop during the strategic workplanning session on Wednesday and it really felt like I was suffering, and I couldn't wait to go home and lie down in bed. The med that doc prescribed for me caused me to be extremely drowsy, so I napped the whole day away after taking meds yesterday, and today I'm feeling much better. As I stayed away from work yesterday, I missed the staff retreat to River Safari. Saw that my colleagues had lots of fun from the photos they shared. Sad to miss the fun moments bonding with colleagues, but I must always remember: my own health is the most important and I really need to take good care of myself, as I am no longer just responsible for myself. I'm responsible for my girl and the baby in me now.
17 November 2014
The day of grad night! Brought my girl to school in the morning, then lunch and back home, before heading back to school for rehearsal. Danced through the day and had a great evening with the graduands all dressed up and finally, we performed our dance item. I thought it was great and we had fun!!
18 November 2014
Today we left home early for OSCAR test at TMC. Although the appointment was at 9, we left before 8 to avoid the peak-hour traffic and we had brekkie at TMC's Delifrance~

As it's an early morning appointment, so we didn't have to wait for over mere minutes, and the little one inside was lying flat very cooperatively too, so we went through the test in a blink! Went down to see Dr Tham and then paid for our package with him as I'm in the 12th week now~
Baby seems to be lying inside so comfortably... makes me wanna squeeze in and lie inside there too... hahha!
19 November 2014
Another happy day because I'm not going anywhere... (not going to work!) but in the end I'm working from home anyway... (-_-)
When lunch time came, we were wondering what to eat and I was having this craving for Sin Heng Kee porridge again... so hubby, who's on exam study leave right now, drove us to Hougang to satisfy my craving! Yay!!
Hmmm... raw egg for me? Haha, I used to leave the egg at the bottom and complained the egg wouldn't cook, then my hubby said I should break and stir the egg into the porridge so it will cook with the heat, and not just let the entire egg sit in the porridge... so on the right was after stirring it up and letting the bits of egg sit in the hot porridge!! Yums~ Love the porridge here!
The sight of rice or noodles, however, makes me feel so full and bloated. I've stopped puking for a while but still feel very bloated most of the time. I'm very fussy with food now and don't fancy rice or noodles at all... I crave for porridge and kueh mostly, but I'm okay with prata and laksa and anything else with curry too. So... click here to check out tonight's dinner in my Instagram~
28 November 2014
Gosh, how time flies! I've been having so much fun over the holidays that I didn't have time to update my prenatal journal here... keke~ I'm glad that my morning sickness days are finally all over and I've been enjoying my school holidays this week catching up with friends from Monday to Thursday, and now finally a lazy Friday just chilling at home. Check out my Instagram for foodie pics from the week. =)